The legal workspace for in-house legal teams

Stop bouncing from system to system and work smarter with the holistic solution providing unique productivity and efficiency gains for in-house legal teams.

Separate point solutions are becoming a problem

61% of in-house legal teams spend over one hour per day jumping between systems to gain a complete view of work and determine priorities, while 21% spend three hours or more. This leads to:
Significant legal waste
Legal teams still spend considerable time on manual administrative tasks such as back and forth with the wider business, manually compiling reports, and searching through email.
Legal inefficiencies that impact business outcomes
Time spend on manual administrative tasks takes time away from legal's ability to positively impact business outcomes and affects the timely delivery of legal email.
A need for consolidated ways of working
With productivity and efficiency gains as a high priority for in-house legal teams, managing large volumes of work in one consolidated solution will be critical for seeing these gains realized.

That's why we built LawVu...

With the LawVu legal workspace you can do your best work, all in one place. You can get more work done, save a ton of time, and focus on impacting business outcomes. In fact, you could enjoy over 3x return on investment!

Our customers report


faster and more efficient contract turnaround time


less time spent managing tasks with a single workspace


saved per team member per week on administrative work


saved per month managing email and intake

Don't take our word for it!

Andrew Hay - Co-op

“Our team has saved two days a week on administrative tasks as a direct result of using LawVu.”

Matt Brasch
Associate General Counsel - Buckle
Andrew Hay - Co-op

“Early signs are that the time savings will be significant with an approximate 25% reduction in email traffic since rolling LawVu out to the wider business - saving approximately 12.6 hours of time across the team in one month.”

Jillianne Osborne
Deputy General Counsel - Vocus
Andrew Hay - Co-op

“Many of the other solutions I looked into were either too complex, too expensive or the complete opposite — super cheap but essentially a glorified spreadsheet that lacked that level of depth required to really support a growing legal function.”

Beth Plunkett
Legal Counsel at 4D Medical

Connect all legal work and collaboration in one place

  • Experience a unified view of all your work in a connected system, including matters, contracts, knowledge, spend, priorities, risks, tasks, and actions.
  • Easily link individual contracts and matters together for full context and control.
  • Save time with contextual data search, standardized across one platform.
matters and contracts platform
Business Portal

Easier back and forth with the wider business with LawVu Business Portal

Get time back with a streamlined workflow

  • Essential integrations with email, cloud file storage, e-signature, word processing, and productivity tools.
  • Gain oversight and keep track of progress with up-to-date contract statuses.
  • Access to holistic data and real-time reporting for better decision making.

Smarter legal operations

  • Get to value faster, with less time on implementation using key features like AI-powered contract import and review
  • Consolidate subscription fees and renewals with just one provider instead of paying separate expensive subscriptions
  • Manage security requirements with just one ISO27001, SOC 1 and SOC 2, and HIPAA-compliant provider
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LawVu Head Office
26-28 Wharf Street, Tauranga 3110, New Zealand