Information security policy statement

LawVu is committed to preserving the confidentiality, integrity and availability of all the physical and electronic information assets throughout their organisation in order to preserve its customer experience, legal, regulatory and contractual compliance and commercial image.

Information and information security requirements will continue to be aligned with LawVu’s goals and the Information Security Management System (ISMS) is intended to be an enabling mechanism for information sharing, for electronic operations, and for reducing information-related risks to acceptable levels.

LawVu’s current business strategy and risk management framework provides the context for identifying, assessing, evaluating and controlling information-related risks through the establishment and maintenance of an ISMS. The Risk Assessment, Statement of Applicability and Risk Treatment Plan identify how information-related risks are controlled. The CTO is responsible for the management and maintenance of the risk treatment plan. Additional risk assessments may, where necessary, be carried out to determine appropriate controls for specific risks.

In particular, business continuity and contingency plans, data backup procedures, avoidance of viruses and hackers, access control to systems and information security incident reporting are fundamental to this policy. Control objectives for each of these areas are contained in and are supported by specific documented policies and procedures.

LawVu aims to achieve specific, defined information security objectives, which are developed in accordance with the business objectives, the context of the organisation, the results of risk assessments and the risk treatment plan.

All employees and contractors of LawVu are expected to comply with this policy and with the ISMS that implements this policy. All employees and contractors, and where necessary, external parties, will receive appropriate training. The consequences of breaching the information security policy are set out in the disciplinary policy and in contracts and agreements with third parties.

LawVu is committed to ongoing continuous, systematic review and improvement of this ISMS.

LawVu is committed to maintaining certification of our ISMS to ISO27001:2013 and regularly updating our SOC1 & SOC2 compliance reports.

This policy will be reviewed to respond to any changes in the risk assessment or risk treatment plan at least annually.

Sarah Webb

United States of America
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LawVu Head Office
26-28 Wharf Street, Tauranga 3110, New Zealand